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I'm Tetiana Kovalova, I'm Ukrainian and live in Kyiv. The most interesting for me is watercolor. As I've always loved watching flowers, different plants, insects, etc., I decided to study botanical art in detail. All my paintings are done in watercolor, although it is considered a capricious material that does not tolerate mistakes. However, I think it is watercolor that can convey the true beauty of the plant. It is important and fundamental for me to paint realistic works – I want to convey the real appearance of the plant, without any decoration, since nature has already created it perfect.

In this way, I try to show the true beauty of plants to those who do not have the time or opportunity to observe them in reality. And, perhaps, next time someone will stop at least for a moment and pay attention to a small flower underfoot or in a flowerbed and see how interesting its petals or stems are, what strange colors it has. Now I can't imagine my life without painting. The more flowers I paint the more I understand how wonderful and perfect the nature is.

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