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Planned Giving

Gifts of Stocks, Bonds, & Retirement Assets 

ASBA can easily accept gifts of stock directly through its brokerage account. By making a gift of your appreciated securities, you can avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due if you sold these assets, and you can receive a charitable income tax deduction. 

Use your Individual Retirement Account. (IRA) to give to ASBA. A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) allows you to make a gift from your IRA directly to ASBA. Anyone who is at least 70 1⁄2 years old can give up to $100,000 a year through a QCD; anyone over 59 1⁄2 may take money out of their IRA without penalty. 

Contact ASBA Member Services at to obtain information your broker will need. 

Estate Planning

Leave a lasting legacy by including ASBA in your estate plan, trust, or will, and make an impact for years to come. A bequest is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support ASBA. You can give all your estate, a percentage of your estate, a specific sum of dollars, or the remainder of your estate after other bequests.

The ASBA Legacy Fellowship honors benefactors who have made their estate gift intentions known, helping ASBA provide outreach and the promotion of botanical art. Legacy Fellowship members are recognized in ASBA’s published donor listing. Let us know if ASBA is included in your estate planning so we can welcome you to the Fellowship.

For more information about planned giving and ASBA, call the Executive Director at 718.817.8814.

ASBA’s EIN is 11-3255547

This information is not intended as legal or tax advice. For legal or tax advice please consult an attorney.


Bartram's Seeds


©Beverly Duncan

2025 ASBA - All rights reserved

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