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HomeWhy Supporting ASBA Matters

Why giving to ASBA matters

From the SEEDS SOWN at our founding in 1994, ASBA has continued to cultivate the field of botanical art...

... expanding individual and institutional memberships around the world

... staging and traveling world-class juried exhibitions

... publishing an educational and image-rich quarterly journal

... maintaining an aesthetically excellent website that serves informational, educational, and outreach purposes

... expanding our reach through social media

... publishing Botanical Art Techniques and developing complementary online programming

... raising public awareness about environmental stewardship, ecological sustainability,and plant conservation

ASBA’s growth and ever-increasing impact is possible because we are a diversely talented group of members who share a common vision.


© Mieko Ishikawa

Pseudotsuga menziesii

What do donations support?

  • Partial funding of Operations... ASBA operates with a lean staff of part-time employees and contractors who are specifically focused on activities that fuel our strategies and add value for members
  • Partial funding of website up grades and maintenance
  • Artist Grant funding for the program Beyond the Studio... Make a Difference, leveraging our work to bring botanical art to under-served audiences
  • Expanded educational program offerings for members and the general public

Because we believe that botanical art makes the planet a better place, we support ASBA. 

There is power in commitment. And when we all commit, the impact is exponential.

“Without any art education background, my encounter with botanical art was absolutely serendipitous. Once I discovered it, however, I was so occupied and fascinated by this art form and my life has been enriched overall. So when I became a member of ASBA, I wanted to help ASBA achieve its mission, spreading the good news about botanical art through education, exhibitions, etc.” - Kumie Kim, M.D.

When you give to ASBA, you can be certain you are making a wise investment

As a qualified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, ASBA has increased growth and public impact and created value for our constituencies–individual and institutional members, regional Chapters, collaboration partners, and the general public. The organization uses its resources wisely, from dues and donations, to staff, board members, and volunteers.

ASBA’s finances and operational practices are regularly evaluated by institutional ser- vices such as Charity Navigator which rate non-profits for donation purposes.

The rating for ASBA—based on financial health, transparency, and accountability—is “Give with Confidence.”

2025 ASBA - All rights reserved

All artwork copyrighted by the artist. Copying, saving, reposting, or republishing of artwork prohibited without express permission of the artist.

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