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Home18th Annual-Rogers-Knox


18th Annual International

American Society of Botanical Artists at The Horticultural Society of New York


The Bog

Sarracenia purpurea, Drosera rotundifolia, Iris prismatica 

I love sarracenias – pitcher plants. I had been searching all over for the wild Sarracenia purpurea because I knew they existed in my state of Connecticut, but they were hard to find. One day, I was teaching a class at the White Memorial Conservation Center in Litchfield and happened to mention that I was looking for this plant. A woman told me that she had seen them in a little bog in an out of the way place not too far from my home. My husband and I drove there and the bog looked unremarkable and not very scenic. We set off in our kayaks and didn’t have to paddle far to find a beautiful area that was loaded with pitcher plants, hundreds of them! A little magical kingdom. And there were also sundews and small wild irises. This painting is what I found. 

18th Annual images IN small-32

Sarracenia purpurea, Drosera rotundifolia, Iris prismatica

The Bog

Watercolor on Paper

18 x 19 inches

© 2014 Betsy Rogers-Knox

Dragon Arum

Dracunculus vulgaris


I am always on the lookout for interesting plants, and my students know that. One day a student brought a pot to my studio containing a plant from her garden, a tall, giant, spiky thing, two feet high. She was in a rush to leave and as she was leaving, she said “By the way, you should plant it at the back of your garden, away from your house.” I didn’t pay much attention to the comment and left the plant overnight in the studio (my studio is attached to my garage). Well, when I went into the studio the next day, the stench was unbelievable! It was like rotten flesh from a dead animal. Then I remembered her warning......

But I liked the plant’s look so much that I was determined to paint it. I drew very quickly and kept lots of candles burning around the studio! After that, I put the pot outside far away at night. Actually, the terrible odor really only lasted a day. I was fascinated by all the patterns on the spathe. It was so much fun to watch it grow, because I had no idea what it was going to do. I painted the flower in its various stages. When the flower wilted, I dissected it, then put the plant in the garden and forgot about it. A few weeks later, leaves appeared, enormous leaves, 18” wide. The composition was already done, but I wanted to include the leaf, so I painted it in the background and only did a few washes. A very cool plant.


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Read more about this artist's work: 17th Annual International

18th Annual images IN small-33

Dracunculus vulgaris

Dragon Arum 

Watercolor on Paper

28” x 21”

© 2013 Betsy Rogers-Knox

2025 ASBA - All rights reserved

All artwork copyrighted by the artist. Copying, saving, reposting, or republishing of artwork prohibited without express permission of the artist.

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