Prickly Pear
Opuntia humifusa
In dry, scrubby areas nearly bare of plants, a miraculous show appears in late June in the form of glorious yellow cactus flowers. In other parts of the country, prickly pear flowers are nicknamed desert roses, a good description. The large flat “pads” or “paddles” of the Opuntia are modified stems, and the spines are modified leaves. In spring, the pads fill out and provide an interesting texture and color in the garden. Prickly pears need to be planted away from interaction with man and beast as the spines are very irritating. We have ours in a large pot, so we can see its beauty without mistakenly stepping on it.
Floating the washes to create the large matte-textured pads was scary, and I am happy with how they turned out. I am always attracted to that gray-green color. On the other hand, yellow is a difficult color for me, but again, I was pleased with the result. It is so easy for yellow to appear greenish or orangey. I used a very restrained hand with neutral tint to get the shadows in the flowers.
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