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HomeCall for Entries: Curious Allies

Call for Entries: Curious Allies: Mutualism in Fungi, Parasites, and Carnivores

The Fifth New York Botanical Garden Triennial


The theme for The Fifth New York Botanical Garden Triennial will examine important allies in the plant world – the often unobserved relationships fungi and lichens, symbiotic plants, and carnivorous plants have with other plants and animals. In the case of mushrooms and fungi, they serve as decomposers, form networks between plants, and can clean up environmental toxins. Lichens are themselves relationships between fungi and a chlorophyll-containing bacteria or algae. Mycotrophic plants have no chlorophyll of their own and obtain nutrients by tapping into an intermediary fungus attached to the roots of a host plant. Parasitic plants attach themselves directly to a host and draw nutrients from the host, sometimes harming the host.  And carnivorous plants supplement nutrients from soil and water, with a diet of insects, consuming them for additional nutrients. All of these kinds of plants develop relationships that are critical to functioning ecosystems, but many times their full impact is not fully appreciated. This exhibition hopes to shine a light on the many benefits derived from these plants and their impacts on other elements of our ecosystems.

For more information about what constitutes a parasitic or mycotrophic plant, please see: U.S. Department of Agriculture

Download Call for Entries HERE


May 18, 2024 - October 27, 2024


December 8, 2023


The New York Botanical Garden
2900 Southern Blvd.
Bronx, NY 10458-5126 USA


Current ASBA members, worldwide.


Mushrooms and fungi, lichens, parasitic plants, mycotrophic plants, and carnivorous plants.


Two-dimensional original botanical art. No photography, no digitally generated work, and no three-dimensional work will be accepted.


$35 for the first entry, $10 for each additional entry up to three.


Number artworks per entry: 3


Up to three entries per artist will be accepted. Entry fee $35 for the first entry, $10 for each additional entry up to three. Online entries only. Please see website at:


Framed size limit 38 x 34 inches, either horizontal or vertical. Accepted artists will be notified of framing requirements.


To be announced


Sent by January 12, 2024 by email. If accepted, artist ensures that artwork(s) will be available for display. If artist withdraws artwork before exhibition, artist will not be eligible to show at any ASBA exhibition for two years

Sale of Works

Artworks can be for sale. If sold, a percentage of the sale price will be retained. Artworks must stay with the exhibition until the close of the travel schedule into 2026.


New York Botanical Garden Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals.

Publicity and Catalog

Your submitted images may be used in educational materials or publicity for the exhibition, either in print or electronic media, before, during and after the exhibition. A catalog will be prepared using the image file you provide for jurors


Carol Woodin at, 866-691-9080


Artworks must stay with the exhibition until the close of the travel schedule into 2026.

2024 ASBA - All rights reserved

All artwork copyrighted by the artist. Copying, saving, reposting, or republishing of artwork prohibited without express permission of the artist.

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