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Public Relations


  • Promote public awareness of ASBA and its programs
  • Promote public awareness of contemporary botanical art
  • Foster appreciation of botanical art
  • Capitalize on the power of art to raise public consciousness about the role of plants in the world

ASBA Artists are “Drawing Together”


  • Art & Science
  • History & Horticulture
  • Ethnology & Economics
  • Conservation & Education.

Contemporary Botanical Art is “Drawing Attention”

to the issues and opportunities of our times, compelling us to:

  • Notice and appreciate the beauty of plants
  • Understand and appreciate the value of plants
  • Be aware of the great diversity of plants
  • Understand and appreciate the value of plant diversity
  • Be aware of the threats to plants, their ecosystems, and their diversity
  • Be aware of and participate in the conservation efforts and organizations involved in protecting and revitalizing plant species and their ecosystems

Through its exhibitions, conferences, lectures, and workshops at the national and chapter levels, ASBA and its individual and institutional members engage others in the:

  • Artist Community: individuals and organizations that create art
  • Art Patron Community: individuals and organizations that buy art (collectors, dealers and curators)
  • Exhibition Community: organizations and venues that host exhibitions
  • Scientific Community: individuals and organizations that study botany
  • Conservation Community: individuals and organizations that study and/or support the conservation of botanical species and their habitat/ecosystems
  • Gardening Community: individuals and organizations that are involved in gardening
  • Philanthropic Community: individuals and organizations that contribute to charitable causes
  • Education Community: individuals and organizations that teach art and science
  • Consumer Products Manufacturers: organizations that produce goods using licensed artwork
  • Media: individuals and organizations that publish and distribute news & feature stories (traditional TV, Magazine, Newspaper, Radio, and new media/online)
  • General Public: children and adults of all ages

Paphiopedilum sp.

Ladyslipper Orchid


© 2005 Mary Bauschelt

2024 ASBA - All rights reserved

All artwork copyrighted by the artist. Copying, saving, reposting, or republishing of artwork prohibited without express permission of the artist.

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