Story behind the art of Deborah Shaw
Botanical Art Worldwide 2025-A More Abundant Future:
Diversity in Garden, Farm, and Field
American Society of Botanical Artists at the Foundry Art Centre, St. Charles, MO
Wild Ancestor of Corn (enlarged 3x)
Zea mays subsp. parviglumis (enlarged 3x)
Grown from Z. parviglumus seeds acquired from the US National Plant Germplasm System,
North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station
Accession: Ames 21785
Lot: 92ncao01 SD
Zea mays subs. parviglumis
From Mexico, Guerrero
Plant name: I.A.
Watercolor on Kelmscott Vellum
A member of the grass family (Poaceae), the best-known Zea species is Zea mays ssp. mays—maize, or corn—an important grain crop for people and animals around the world. Globally, more than one billion tons of corn are harvested annually.
Botanical, archaeological and genetic evidence point to the Mesoamerican plant teosinte as the ancestor of our modern corn. Approximately 9,000 years ago, farmers in southwest Mexico began to domesticate the lowland teosinte variety, Zea mays ssp. parviglumis. Of the many subspecies of teosinte, Z. parviglumis appears to be the most closely related genetically to our modern domesticated corn, although a highland species, Zea mays ssp. mexicana appears to have contributed as well.
The name teosinte comes from the Nahuatl word Teocintle, (sacred ear of corn). Also known as el grano de los dioses (grain of the gods), teosinte grows in the wild in its native range of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Although climate change, natural disasters and habitat encroachment have taken their toll on various wild populations, both the Mexican and Nicaraguan governments have taken action in recent years to protect their wild teosinte. Botanists and scientists are researching how to breed beneficial teosinte traits back into corn crops. Possibilities include increased drought and flood tolerance, insect and disease resistance, higher protein content, nitrogen fixation, and perennialism.
At first glance, the teosinte plant strongly resembles corn. Like corn, male flowers are located at the top of the stem in a tassel while the female “ears” are formed in the leaf axils along the stem.
Unlike corn, teosinte “ears” are tiny—only 2 – 3 inches (5 – 7.5 cm)—and contain only one “row” of kernels. The three to eight small seeds in the one “row” mature to very hard, triangular shapes, beautifully stacked. Before ripening, they are a translucent green. When mature, they are glossy, with mottled shades ranging from grays to dark browns. The seeds spread by dehiscence (shattering) when ripe, another characteristic that was bred out of our modern corn. (It would be very hard to harvest if all our sweet corn kernels exploded off the cob before we could eat it.)
Teosinte seeds are enclosed by a very hard fruitcase, which protects them from digestion by foraging birds and animals, who disperse the seeds through their droppings. Early mutations in the domestication from teosinte to corn created larger kernels and eliminated the hard outer shell. Consequently, corn seeds can no longer survive in the wild after being consumed, and so are dependent on people for distribution.
Because various teosinte species and corn species are all closely related, there can be natural cross-fertilization between them. This can result in interesting hybrids, making identification difficult. I have grown teosinte for the past few years in order to paint it, but only one species at a time, to prevent cross-fertilization. Because natural hybridization is so common, I was recently advised to label the seed source for each artwork. I acquired seeds for two different teosintes, parviglumis and mexicana, from two different sources: Native Seeds/SEARCH and the US National Plant Germplasm System. This painting was completed as a study of the fruit of Zea mays ssp. parviglumis acquired from the US National Plant Germplasm System, North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station:
Accession: Ames 21785
Lot: 92ncao01 SD
Zea mays subs. parviglumis
From Mexico, Guerrero
Plant name: I.A.
I am obsessed with the shapes and stacking of the seeds on the “cob,” although every aspect of the plant has interesting and unique features. Accurately capturing the seeds and silk seemed presented the most challenges to me, and this painting is a result of those explorations.
The translucency and hard surface of Kelmscott vellum looks and feels like the seeds, and it seemed an obvious surface to use for the painting. Vellum doesn’t like a lot of water—Kelmscott especially so. I did the entire painting in drybrush, mostly with a 3/0 Interlon brush. I put down layers of pure blues and yellows first, with local color on top. I discovered towards the end of the painting that painting tiny strokes of different colors next to one another and letting the eye optically combine them accentuated the shimmery, translucent effect of the seeds.
Next up: Zea mays ssp. mexicana.