Williamsburg, Virginia USA
I began painting from life in 2008 with portraits of a simple subject, such as a flower or a seed pod. A view of nature I enjoy to this day. Each year I grew, adding more leaves, adding more dimension, and even telling a plant's life story. I have even painted a work over four feet tall.
Each piece has its own voice, its own statement, its own essence. There is a “place” that I enter when I draw and paint. When I first started drawing, I knew nothing about the unique elements of my subject. Now after completing over 100 projects, I seek to show the amazing and beautiful details of my subject, whether it be the leaf scars on a Magnolia branch, the pollen on a stamen or how a whorled leaf attaches to the stem. Each species that I paint is beautiful and a miracle. I am convinced that there is an intelligence here that we have yet to fully understand, a mystery, a joy.
- Studies in botanical art, ceramics, drawing, design, fiber arts, graphic art, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpting.
- Bachelor of Science, Business Administration, Marketing and Public Relations, Magna Cum Laude, Wayne State University.
Linda C Miller Botanical Artist