Review copies were sent, and to promote the use of Colorful Leaves as part of an educational outreach activity, complimentary copies were made available to ASBA and GNSI members in exchange for giving an educational program and then preparing a short description of the event and photos. Fourteen respondents agreed to participate: 5 in California, 2 in Pennsylvania, 1 each in Florida, Massachusetts, Colorado, Nebraska, New York, Toronto Ontario Canada, and Montevideo Uruguay.
There was no curriculum that accompanied the use of the books nor instructions for how workshops should be given. People were free to read the text and decide for themselves how best to present the material for their group. There were fourteen presenters and fourteen different and creative ways for connecting workshop participants with nature and botanical drawing. Some workshops were directed to adults and others to children, and all of the results were amazing. It was very rewarding for me to see the results of the workshops, and the success of the grant was greatly increased by the work of these presenters. Many thanks to each of them for their hard work and efforts.