Westchester Marriott
670 White Plains Road
Tarrytown, NY 10591 USA
Lara Call Gastinger
Vincent Jeannerot
Esmée Winkle
Sorbus and Song Thrush
Sorbus aucuparia, Turdus philomelos
Graphite and watercolor on paper
© Irina Neascu
This non-juried exhibition features artwork of ASBA members attending the 2022 ASBA Annual Meeting & Conference in Westchester, New York and online
HERE to view the replay of the Small Works Exhibition on YouTube.
Anne Marie Carney Award ($250) for someone who has never been in an ASBA Juried International Exhibition:
Sabine Koch, Cyclamen, Watercolor on paper
Best in Show Award ($250):
Karen Kluglein, Queen of Night II, Watercolor on illustration board
The Jean Emmons People's Choice Award ($250) voted on by attendees:
Irina Neacsu, Sorbus and Song Thrush, Watercolor and graphite on paper
Honorable Mentions (all selected by juror panel):
Gaye Grossman,Golden Pepper, Pastel & colored pencil on sanded paper
Claire LeRoux-Daublain, Begonia II, Ballpoint pen on paper
Irina Neacsu, Sorbus and Song Thrush, Watercolor and graphite on paper
Betsy Rogers-Knox, Pitcher Plant, Watercolor on paper
Artwork shown:
Karen Kluglein, Tulipa “Queen of Night”, Queen of Night II, Watercolor on illustration board