Nina Antze is a California artist and quiltmaker. She has a degree in Fine Art and a Certificate in Botanical Illustration from the New York Botanical Gardens and studied with Sarah Simblet at the Ruskin School of Art at Oxford. She is a member of the Filoli Florilegium, the Alcatraz Florilegium. Her Chinese Maple was recently selected for the deYoung Museum in San Francisco Open. She works in colored pencil, watercolor pencil and fabric. Her botanicals can be viewed at her web site,
She teaches in person monthly "Drawing Nature" classes at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts, and intermitantly at Pt. Reyes Field Institute. Classes focus on drawing nature with colored pencil. Color theory and botanical methods are accentuated. She is currently teaching remotely using Zoom privately and Winslow Art Center in Washington state.