The grant enabled us to do many public educational events, including talks, lectures, botanical art demonstrations and participatory activities. The peak, "capstone" experience of this project was a juried botanical art exhibit of native plants at two venues, called "Ancarrow's List: Native Plants at The River's Edge." Our special juror was Lara Call Gastinger, twice RHS gold medal awardee, and chief illustrator for The Flora of Virginia. The exhibit was first shown, with presentation and opening reception, at Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden in Richmond, VA, in October 2019.The exhibit moved to Virginia Commonwealth University's Branch Cabell Library, Nov 2-Dec. 22, 2019.
The exhibit has received local acclaim and has had many visitors. Both institutions have reported a significant uptick in visitors since the exhibits were hung. These exhibits were funded by the Esther M. Plotnick Artists Grant, the Pocahontas Chapter of Virginia Native Plant Society, and through in-kind donations from Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden and Virginia Commonwealth University. We produced a four-color exhibit catalog and received many individual donations to support this as well.